Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Intersesiting Facts

1.Fathom has been derived from the Ango-saxon word "faetm" which most measurements were based on the average size of parts.A fathom is the average distance from the fingertip to fingertip of the outstretched arms of a man - about six feet.

2.The Battle of the coral sea,fought in 1942,was the first fleet action in which aircraft carriers engaged each other. The battle is considered a tactial victory for Japa since the United States carrier USS Lexington was lost,while Japan only lost the light carrier Shoho in the battle.

3.No self-respecting boatswain's mate would dare admit he coudn't blow his pipe in a manner above reproach.This pipe,which is the emblem of the boatswain and his mates,has an ancient and interesting history.On the ancient row - galleys,the boatswain used his pipe to call the stroke.Later because its shrill tune could be heard above most of the activity on board,it was used to signal various happenings such a knock-off and the boarding of officials.So essential was this signaling device to became a badge of office and honour in the British and American Navy of the sailings ships.

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